So excited for having you on Real-Talk with Liza on . A confirmation email and text have also been sent to you.
Here is what will transpire on the day of our recording.
If you are in the vicinity of the Los Angeles area, we will schedule to meet and record your episode in person.
If outside driving range, we will record via StreamYard. A link will be forwarded to you 30 minutes prior to scheduled air time.
Unless you are on a tight 20 min schedule, I like to structure the interview this way (which takes 30 mins):Welcome and introduction of you, using the short version of your Bio.
We enlighten our audience by you sharing a bit of your story.
I will interview you by asking general and deep-dive questions.
As we come closer to a close, I will ask you what is on the horizon, what is next for you.
Before we close, I will ask you what your offer is for the viewers.
We will promote the interview on the 17 podcast platforms and 2x’s on our other social media platforms with over 20000 followers.
You will receive:
- A copy of the interview in a couple of weeks after it airs.
- Your segment on a dedicated page on my website with all your information!
- A couple of links to our interview segment
Liza Boubari